Thursday, May 28, 2020

Keeping The Faith - Day 5

Keeping The Faith


Perhaps this year's Memorial Day weekend resonated more because of the pandemic, the "stay at home" situation. Certain creature comforts and escapes have been lost:

-- Services. Ahh, the hot button issue of politics for sure during this time. Many innovative pastors have moved their sermons and services online. Obviously, this can be seen as a generational shift. I say that it's an opportunity to embrace technology and a teachable moment to create new avenues for communication.
-- Salons and barber shops. For many, this became a dismissive punchline. Pull back and think culture as a whole. That's a meeting place. Go back and watch "Barber Shop" for a refresher or the Chris Rock doc "Good Hair" or the Matthew Cherry short "Hair Love."
-- Therapy sessions. I know a few people who have tried to continue their sessions, but have been stymied because of living conditions (parents or roommate situations).
-- Family visits, near or far.
-- LIVE events - sports, theater, comedy clubs, concerts. This one hits near and dear. Those that know me or listen to the radio show know of my affinity for that communal energy, that force that comes in a live event. It takes on a bit of a religious feel for me (more on that in a separate blog to come). 
-- The corner bar for a quick pause and exhale. All the characters of "Piano Man" wander in eventually. But, we'll get back to Mr. Joel in a minute. 
-- The ability to get in and out of a store for that one missing ingredient. Tell me you haven't experienced that at least once.
-- The chance to exchange a glance and a Tribbiani "How you doin'?" cheeseball line.
-- The gym, a favorite restaurant, for a while, even "Starbucks" shut down.
-- For the students: Sports practices and games, after-school activities with their people, clubs, sleepovers, swim parties, movies and a million other things.

I could expand this list to another 1,000 line items without blinking. The point is that there are battles over data, political ideologies and parsing of scientific data as individual states and our country as a whole debate the "Grand Re-Opening!" And, as we look to policies and procedures, we begin to take little steps forward. We retain hope - can't let that go - that we will return to

Just remember the sacrifice as it's meant for this particular day. Whether drafted or volunteer, there are thousands of military members and civilians working in tandem that gave their lives so that we can enjoy the fruits of that truncated list above. Insert the million other line items that fit your particular situation. You'll catch yourself with your breath stopped, or you'll push back from the computer monitor or look away from your phone for a moment. 

Keep The Faith. It's ok to have those moments of frustration, another cookie (or five) and curse it. It's ok. Your friends and family will understand. Just invite them to do the same.

Then, find a laugh, a smile, and hold tight.

Now, bop along to some classic 80's Joel.

"You can get just so much
From a good thing
You can linger too long
In your dreams
Say goodbye to the
Oldies but goodies
Cause the good ole days weren't
Always good
And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems"

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