Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Day 1: Starting Over

There are several natural points in the calendar that beckon us to pause, reconsider choices and events of our lives, and to course correct. Opening day. First day of school. Spring break. Six weeks until spring break. Fourth of July. You get the point. 

Perhaps you stared long and hard at your cell phone this holiday season. Since you worked from home and binge-watched so many shows, you convinced yourself that you needed that upgrade!

 Maybe you’ve succumbed to the innumerable gym ads during the holiday season in years past. I don’t recall being inundated with such during the race to ‘21. I believe there were more ads telling you to spoil yourself this holiday season. And that’s a good thing. The large portion of America, I suspect, tacked on a pandemic version of the “Freshman 15.” (See what I did there?)

I know I certainly could have done better in the second half of the year. The age-old excuse of “it’s football season” entered the fray for me. With extra work commitments,  radio show and podcast prep, compounded by a short sleep cycle, it becomes commonplace to excuse the extra spoonful of sugar in various forms. As Jim Nantz would say, “It’s a tradition unlike any other.”

The Super Bowl came and went, and the resolve returned as I viewed a reopening world in 2021. So, it’s on to the “Road To Swoll 2021.” 

More workouts
Fewer sweets
More sleep
Less stress
More laughs and appreciation of the good
Less looks into the past

Some business cleaned up on “Fat Tuesday,” and I went in to have some blood work done. So, those were two steps forward into a new world. And then another 10,000 or so with the dog.

On some level, I’m buoyed by my Catholic upbringing and ponder the sacrifice and meaning of the Lenten season. “Fat Tuesday” is more than just the raucous partying in New Orleans. It signals another space in the calendar to pause, reflect and refocus energies. At the end of the 40-day period, we celebrate Easter and the Resurrection. 

Family chides my attempts at positive reinforcement and pep talks. That’s fine. It’s meant with love to find a smile, a laugh or simple “You’re an idiot.” I’ll wear it. 

And in the morning, I’ll do it again.

This blog/journal has been, as you can tell by the sporadic posts, an idea several years in the making. It’s time to make it a daily ritual and to carve out space in the calendar. Find some little wins each day and build community. I’ve got some ideas on features to add, but I’ll always find a way to incorporate the jukebox. 

Here is, maybe a bit on the nose, “Resurrection Song” from Mark Lanegan. 

“Resurrection Song” by Mark Lanegan

Day end of day
Each hanging spiral
Where is the shore
From this clear blue silence
Up to the heavens that you daydream
Remembering the sun and the deep green ivy
I know that sleep walking too
In trying to be free
Of all this damage in my eyes
Making confusion in my mind
When I hear a resurrection song
Night lays me down when I'm fading
When I can't go home
Because they hate me
To sing that resurrection song
Day end of day
Each hanging spiral
What do you make
Of this clear blue silence
Now that the engine driver
Has grown to be a deep sea diver
And the street has got no end
Better keep your heart strong little friend
Thought I heard a resurrection song
Thought I heard a resurrection song