Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Seeking A Win

Welcome to #FindYourWins.


Instinct draws us into the darkness. It’s the natural order of things.

“If it bleeds, it leads …” stands as a mantra in the news business. 

In sports, the better story oftentimes flows from drama, real or perceived, in the losing locker room. 

Just pause for a moment and look at the news feeds on your phone, access your local evening news or, dare I suggest, scroll (quickly) through your Facebook feed.

We search for those gaps in our relationships with other people, our jobs, our children, ourselves. And we cling to them, hanging on the notion of “perfection.”  Across social media, we clamor to one extreme or the other. Either it’s a glowing family portrait or a cryptic message of impending doom. It’s all part of who we were. 

I write this post on World Mental Health Awareness Day amid a series of stories about people caring for family members or pausing to recognize their own needs. Their tales are harrowing, but at the core flickers hope and positivity … and love.

The purpose of #FindYourWins is to celebrate and commemorate the good in each day. The quest for perfection leaves us chasing to fill gaps. We’re left exasperated, exhausted and, oftentimes, disconnected from those around us, unable to accept others, our situations, and ourselves.

It’s about recognizing the good within your view. Because it’s there … every day.

A simple challenge presented to me was the “Three Wins by Lights Out.” I don’t know the origin. I’m sure the Google machine attributes it to some wise man or woman. Either way, it’s a simple principle that we all ignore. There are wins and positives all around us. It could be as simple as the smell of a fresh-brewed cup of coffee or a quasi-successful take on a recipe (ie, we didn't resort to the pizza place on speed dial). Maybe it's watching the sun set. Maybe it's a walk on the sand or through the bustle of a busy downtown street (just me?).   

OK, we obviously hope for more. But some days suck. And that’s ok. Not everything is a lottery-winning effort.

In fact, today's three for me were simple. 

1.  Run to a Cuban restaurant for a pork sandwich and pastries.
2. A longer walk with the dog.
3. Making my own chicken tenders for dinner. I'll post recipes here in the future. 

Try it. Scrawl out a few of the positives from the day. 

(Scrawl out the negatives if it helps to relieve the tension. You can then rip those up or watch them burn.)

Put something on the calendar for yourself. Yeah, that’s right. Block out a piece of the calendar for something that brings a smile to your face. You can go solo or it might include the entire family. Sometimes their happiness and smiles are enough food for the soul at that moment.

Repeat. Again and again. Form a habit.

And maybe just maybe, you’ll affect some change. 

In your own world. And then out …

Let’s do great things.